Morphological medicine is the preventive medicine of external visible effects of ageing age. Cosmetic surgery of the face & shape prevents and restores the multiple damages of time.
Anti-aging medicine is the preventive medicine of internal effects of aging.
The average Life expectancy (ALE) is directly linked to the evolution of medicine.
ALE of the European population is increasing: 80 years for women and nearly 76 for men.
ALE increases every year (1 year every 4 years): this increase is very important and is mainly due to the decline of infant mortality and longer living over the last 15 years.
Life expectancy without disability has also increased.
Today, living in a good physical and mental shape, is a major challenge.
Health is defined by WHO as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." We must prevent the reduction of physical and mental functions and fight against the aggravating factors of aging. Preventive medicine was specifically designed to enable a longer life expectancy without disability.
Improving the ageing process and treating your body image is a way to delay the onset of physiological changes associated with aging and thereby significantly improve the quality of life for everyone.
(Selected excerpts of
The light has the same effect on plants as on humans. It acts on the chloroplast of plant cells by photosynthesis and by oxidative phosphorylation on human cells with the cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme in mitochondria, the energy factory of the cell.
Triwings treatment is a breakthrough in anti-aging medicine, both internally and externally.

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Scientific & clinical studies demonstrate the actions on body tissue of triWings
- Repolarization of the cell membrane. (CNRS Toulouse, France)
- Modification of tissue ratio : free water / bounded water giving an anti-inflammatory effect. (Pool GBM Univ. Toulouse, France)
- Absorption by cytochrome oxidase : stimulation of cell metabolism. (Univ. Genova , Italia)
Below, some studies demonstrating the effectiveness of athermal high-density light (no heat)